• adam@getyourbloodchecked.com
  • USA

So disappointed in people (8/2/22)

So disappointed in people. I scheduled a mover today to help me with some heavy boxes. This person was well aware of my medical condition. In normal times this is a move I’ve done many times alone. But times are different now. I have a catheter in my chest. My kidneys aren’t working which affects my stamina. I can’t hydrate…

Hemoglobins are decent again (8/1/22)

Just got my results back at 5:23am. Hemoglobins at 7.5. Unsure if they’ll find this level acceptable for a discharge today. They really wanted at 8+. We will find out soon enough. I’m guessing they’ll give me a 4th transfusion + dialysis today + 10,000 units of Epogen. The body is a miraculous although sometimes frustrating machine.

MRI results are negative (7/31/22)

So some updates. The MRI results came back and they were NEGATIVE. Miraculously, my right knee is almost back to normal without any treatment. I have near full mobility and I’ll be able to do leg workouts at the gym as soon as tomorrow. My right quad atrophied and it was likely made worse by dialysis zapping the protein from…

I’m anemic AF (7/29/22)

So I’m anemic again. My hemoglobins plummeted to 6.3 yesterday. They gave me a blood transfusion and my hemoglobins didn’t even move lol. Registered 6.3 again. Usually this means someone is losing blood at the same time but they cannot find any blood loss anywhere in my body. Very bizarre. The second blood transfusion got me to 7.0. They may…

Rough dialysis session (7/25/22)

I had a rough dialysis session today. My blood pressure skyrocketed at the end of treatment and a panic attack set in. Lightheaded, dizzy and short of breath, Cloud stayed in my arms until it passed. Just looking at her cute little face is sometimes enough to alleviate an attack. Who said a service dog (in training) can’t be small…